
What You Want May Not Be What You Need (Part II)

On the Newtonian cause-and-effect level we would say that I did QE for her autistic son. From a quantum mechanical point of view I offered her son the probability of healing. Healing occurred in the best way possible after all other possibilities had been eliminated. You see, when we think in a linear, cause-and-effect way healing appears to be a simple, single line ending in the result we want. But life is not that simple. Every action and reaction has...

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What You Want May Not Be What You Need (Part I)

I was recently asked by a member the QE Forum, a mother with an autistic child, what effect QE would have on autism. Below is my answer… It may have been a bit more of an answer that she was looking for but better to err on the side of comprehensiveness. Enjoy… We should not look at QE as being a healing technique. It is a technique to take our awareness from common consciousness through pure awareness to Eufeeling. That...

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How Does QE Heal? (Part II)

Question: How Does QE Work so Quickly and so Completely? Rather than using the intellect or emotion or prescribed formula to initiate the healing response, Quantum Entrainment takes advantage of the vehicle of perception that is already functioning fully within you. When you perceive something you react naturally and without effort, don’t you. For instance, if you perceive, in this case see a dog get hit by a car your mind and body react instantly. You experience a shot of...

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How Does QE® Compare to Other Healing Techniques? (Part I)

Question: How is Quantum Entrainment® like other healing techniques? Quantum Entrainment offers us the purest form of healing. I say this for three reasons. First, QE is the least complicated technique to apply. It has only one step. Second, QE draws its healing from the least active state of awareness, pure awareness, which reflects the greatest harmony and healing. QE is more like an instant meditation then and applied healing technique. It has no moving parts. Finally, the QE practitioner...

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What Is the Future of Medicine?

The future of medicine looks exciting especially with what we are learning through stem cell research, genetics, and all of the other remarkable discoveries we have seen in just the last decade. But let’s not confuse exciting with fulfilling. In the United States we are living longer but we are less happy. Good physical and mental health is important but by itself is not enough to lead to a productive and fulfilling life. As we become more specialized it is...

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Effortless Walking

Walking is so automatic we rarely pay much attention while we are doing it. Here is a way to bring grace and flow to the stately art of walking. Here’s how it’s done. First place your weight evenly on both feet, shoulders squared with a relaxed upright posture. Take a nice deep breath in, and as you exhale allow your mind to become aware of your thinking. Whatever thoughts flow across the screen of your mind just watch as they...

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Healing Your Body with Eufeeling

We previously discussed limitations placed on the adoption of a single healing model. At that time I suggested adopting a healing philosophy that is all-inclusive. It is only fair that I offer you a healing technique that is all-inclusive. Eufeeling Body Healing is a very effective way to stimulate healing on all levels of your being; body, mind, and inner essence. It is a gentle yet remarkably profound process. It is also nonspecific. By that I mean that we do...

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Blame Your Poor Health on Classical Physics

You have heard it, I am sure, “Your body is like a machine.” When a machine, like your car engine breaks down then all you have to do is replace the broken part and you are up and running good as new. It has also been said that your body is like a river, fluid and ever changing. While this may be closer to the truth it is still a little too “solid” for my liking. I see our bodies...

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