
The Art of Nothing (Part 4)

The process that I discovered does not require that you envision a positive outcome, think positive thoughts, or generate positive emotions. It does not require belief or faith or any peculiar talent or skill. Nor does it require affirmations or intentions or a vivid imagination from which to build your detailed utopian future. All of these efforts take place in your mind. Calling on a distressed mind to fix itself is a lot like asking the fox to guard the...

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The Art of Nothing (Part 3)

Don’t you feel it? Don’t you feel that something seems to be missing, something basic and deeply primordial? Haven’t you ever asked yourself, “Is this all there is to life?” You may have asked this question in a quiet moment of reflection but then trampled it under foot on your way out the door to buy a bigger, brighter widget, find a sympathetic ear to bend, or indulge any of a plethora of electronic diversions to keep that tormenting question...

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The Art of Nothing (Part 2)

We have so much potential. Don’t you think so? My goodness, but what we can do. I could list the usual things like putting a man on the moon, the pyramids, heavier-than-air flight, and so on and so forth. Compared to the other species with which we co-habit this earth, our progress has been phenomenal. And we are continuing to grow, in so many ways, exponentially. We are progressing by leaps and bounds. Look how far we have come in...

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The Art of Nothing (Part 1)

‘‘How beautiful it is to do nothing, and then to rest afterward.’’ ~Spanish proverb Picture a world where you are following your innermost desires, doing the work that you are naturally drawn to do and love. It dovetails perfectly with your talents and interests. Your work regenerates you rather than tiring you out. Time flies by almost too quickly. Like the flickering splinters of a lit sparkler, creativity burns within you. You are self-motivated, take pride in your work, and...

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The Blue Jay Way

“A great silent space holds all of nature in its embrace. It also holds you.” ~ Eckhart Tolle “Not one sparrow falls from the sky that our heavenly Father does not know about – so much does he love the creation he made.” ~ Matt 10:29 This may seem an obvious question but have you ever noticed how nature makes you feel good? Did you ever ask yourself why? We love to watch billowing clouds slowly transform into lions or gnomes or a...

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Grumbling Your Way to Enlightenment

Let me take a moment here and refresh your memory as this hierarchy is helpful in understanding where you may be and what you are capable of. It’s comforting and even helpful to know where you are going but the “how” of fulfilling your greatest potential is paramount. That is why you are reading this blog. The Quantum Entrainment technique is the bridge between theory and practical application. Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs (from lowest to highest): Physiological: breathing, food,...

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Picture the Perfect World

Picture a world where you are following your innermost desires, doing the work that you are naturally drawn to do and love. It dovetails perfectly with your talents and interests. Your work regenerates you rather Than tiring you out. Time flies by almost too quickly. Like the flickering splinters of a lit sparkler, creativity burns within you. You are self-motivated, take pride in your work, and feel like you are a cohesive and contributing part to a grander plan. You...

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Givers & Takers (Part Two)

So where is your Self? (In QE we called the Self - Eufeeling.) Well as it turns out it is everywhere all the time so you should be able to find it anywhere, anytime, right? You just have to be able to recognize it when you see it. That’s how I developed Quantum Entrainment. I first discovered my Self in the quiet reaches “within my mind”. Once I came to know my Self within I began to shake hands with...

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Givers & Takers (Part One)

All the people inhabiting this beautiful blue marble spinning in the blackness of space can be broken into two groups; givers and takers. The takers, according to Abraham Maslow, are those who are scaling his pyramid of needs. And what do you suspect is the goal of all this climbing and clambering? Why, to reach the pinnacle and become self-actualized. Once they reach that most exalted capstone, takers become givers. (Note: Maslow refers to givers as Transcenders. See past posts:...

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Where Did We Come from and Where Are We Going? (Part II)

We already have everything we need to transition into a more loving and supportive lifestyle. But how do we do that? First, we become aware of who we are in our fullness, our being. That is easily accomplished because that too is hardwired; a genetic pathway bequeathed us by those very first humans who balanced the stress of survival with the quiet bliss of personal introspection, complemented by a more intimate socialization. It can easily be accomplished with nothing more...

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