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Showing all 8 of 8 results
The Eufeeling Technique

The Eufeeling Technique

Eufeeling is the first glimmering of individuality in the mind, the natural state of healthy human awareness. The Eufeeling Technique quickly and effortlessly introduces you to Eufeeling, which you will perceive as pure peace, joy, compassion, love, bliss, etc. (You must already know: The Nothing Technique.)

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A Proven Plan for Peace

A Proven Plan for Peace

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90 Days to Becoming Fully Human

90 Days to Becoming Fully Human

Becoming fully human is effortless once you reach momentum.

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Teaching Children QE™

Teaching Children QE™

The mind of a child naturally and easily moves toward awareness of his or her Eufeeling.

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Hosting a QE™ Practice Group

Hosting a QE™ Practice Group

Quantum Entrainment is always more fun and much more powerful when shared with others

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Self-Session Guidelines

Self-Session Guidelines

The Self-Session should always be easy and uplifting.

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Gate Technique Audio

Gate Technique Audio

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Pure Awareness

Pure Awareness

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